MQL4 MQL5 Amibroker AFL protection


 Method for Mq4 Method for Mq5 Price List

Download Demo for MQL4             Download Demo for MQL5

You have produced the MQL4 or MQL5 ( mq4 ex4 or mq5 ex5 ) codes that the whole world has been waiting for. You now want the whole world to use it but only if they have paid you for it. Whatever your distribution method, you need to protect your software from illegal copying and decompilation. provide you the best solution to protect your expert advisors and indicators !

MQL4 Protection           

Download Demo for MQL4     

Method: Web-server license solution    .    Local license solution.

  • It protects your EX4 files from the EX4-TO-MQ4 Decompiler.
  • It licenses EX4 files can be bind to only one PC.
  • It provides time-limited license.
  • If you just have ex4 file, You can also protect it!
  • Provide Local license solution and Web-server license solution.


MQL5 Protection      

Download Demo for MQL5

Method: Web-server license solution    .    Local license solution.

  • It protects your EX5 files from the EX5-TO-MQ5 Decompiler.
  • It licenses EX5 files can be bind to only one PC.
  • It provides time-limited license.
  • If you just have ex5 file, You can also protect it!
  • Provide Local license solution and Web-server license solution.



Taishan Xiangyu Computer Technology Studio, Taishan Medical University
No.2, Yingsheng East Street , Taian, Shandong Province, China
Postcode: 271000                                           Tel +8613001773563
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