Price List

Web-server license solution:
When you buy it, we will provide:
  • The program ProtectMq4.exe or ProtectMq5.exe. You can use it to protect unlimited mq4 or mq5 files for ever.
  • The Web-based admin console. You can use it to manage the time-limit of your useres, or set your trial user to test your ex4 or ex5 files.
ProtectMq4.exe                                                                   (provide 500 free License Codes) US $499
ProtectMq5.exe                                                                   (provide 500 free License Codes) US $499
ProtectMq4.exe + ProtectMq5.exe                                        (provide 500 free License Codes) US $699
Continue to buy the Licenses                                                                      per License Code US $1

ProtectMq4.exe                                                                               (Un-limit License Codes) US $999
ProtectMq5.exe                                                                               (Un-limit License Codes)  US $999
ProtectMq4.exe + ProtectMq5.exe                                                    (Un-limit License Codes) US $1299



Local license solution:
When you buy it, we will provide:
  • The program ProtectMq4.exe or ProtectMq5.exe. You can use it to protect unlimited mq4 or mq5 files for ever.
  • MkReg_A.exe. The License generator to create the Registration Code.
ProtectMq4.exe                                                                   (provide 500 free License Codes) US $399
ProtectMq5.exe                                                                   (provide 500 free License Codes) US $399
ProtectMq4.exe + ProtectMq5.exe                                        (provide 500 free License Codes) US $599
Continue to buy the Licenses                                                                      per License Code US $1

ProtectMq4.exe                                                                               (Un-limit License Codes) US $899
ProtectMq5.exe                                                                               (Un-limit License Codes)  US $899
ProtectMq4.exe + ProtectMq5.exe                                                    (Un-limit License Codes) US $1099



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Taishan Xiangyu Computer Technology Studio
Taian, Shandong Province, China
Email:                          Skype: